Thursday, January 1, 2009


res o lu tion (noun) : the act or process of resolving

2009 begins like many other years, with a list of resolutions!

Lose weight

Organize our home

Continue to exercise regularly

Write more handwritten notes, not emails

Be more patient with the girls

Regular date night with Scott

Start my own blog!

I have admired many a blog for most of 2008 and have "resolved" to join the blogging world in 2009! I'm hoping to share the stories of my two M&Ms, Morgan and Merritt. They light up our life and make us laugh so much! I am afraid as time goes by I will forget all the funny stories and sisterly antics that make me and Scott smile. This is how I hope to share their history with them!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! So glad to see you in the blogosphere! Please email me if you have any questions...I'd love to help.

    I love the m&m's, but what about the raisin part. Am I missing something?
