I have marveled at Morgan's courage since the first day of school. She has never looked back; always confident to face her new day head-on yet my heart always cries out, "please, just one more glance back at dear old Mom!" And today it happened......a quick glance, a reassuring smile and a friendly wave only Morgan can give! And my heart melted! I am thrilled to know that I have a confident and secure child but thank you, Morgan, for reassuring Momma this morning with that special second glance!
Merritt had a different plan! She could do it all by herself and didn't even need the least bit of instruction or advice from me and was quick to let me know that! Once again, at that moment I should have rejoiced that Merritt had the confidence and security to do it on her own. But selfish mom emerged again and wanted to be needed or at least appreciated for being there!
All said, we had a good time and she created a colorful bunny sack that I'm sure in the near future will house some chocolate treats! Once it's fired and returned to us, she'll always be able to look at it say, "I did this all by myself!"
Merritt, only because I love you so much and can't stand to miss a second of your life will this Momma give you a second chance and go on another field trip! It might be with grandparent back-up, but I'll be there!
I've said it before....I'll say it again WHAT LUCKY CHILDREN YOU HAVE TO HAVE YOU AS THEIR MOM! A Jane p.s. I kinda like as my niece too!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm lucky to be Beth's Mom. I understand the feelings as I want to be a part of every bit of their lives.
ReplyDeleteBeth, I want to make sure you realize that the reason both of them have the confidence to forge ahead in the world and do things on their own without looking back is BECAUSE they know you are right behind them, ready to help if they need it. You are their springboard, and whenever they wow the crowd with their beautiful swan dives, we will know where they get their strength to accomplish great things. And don't you ever forget it! :-)
ReplyDeleteLove you,
Thanks for your sweet comments and reassurance! I sure need it!
ReplyDeleteI know it's tough and I haven't even truly gotten there yet. I am dreading the day, but you are on the right path--you have raised strong, confident girls. Congratulations, but they aren't done needing their Mom yet. In fact, deep down they will always need you even if they don't say it or show it.
ReplyDeleteI've always heard that having children is like having your heart walk around on it's own....I totally understand that now! Jenn, I am so impressed with you patience and thought that you and Stephen have put into this move. May God continue to bless you as you start a new chapter in your lives!