Sunday, March 7, 2010

What Are You Giving Up?

Several weeks ago after "letting the good times roll", our family attended a Shrove Tuesday Pancake dinner at church. It was hosted by the Children's Ministry team and was a great way for the girls to learn more about the Lenten Season. One of our ministers answered questions from the children and parents and suggested that in addition to giving up something, we give back as well!

The girls participated in several activities but their favorite was sponsored by the Prayer Ministry. In private they were able to write down, or draw a picture of one of their sins and then nail it to the cross. That night the sins were burned and used the next day in the Ash Wednesday service.

On the way home we discussed what we could all give up and/or give back. Morgan joked about giving up playing with Merritt but settled on giving up Sprite while encouraging her daddy to join her by giving up Coke. He agreed and has probably already lost 10 pounds much to my dismay! Merritt decided to give up being mad and has had a little difficulty sticking to it but only when things don't go her way! I decided to give up using my cell phone in the car thanks to Oprah and her No Phone Zone campaign. I'm giving back by being a safer driver as well as spending more quality time in the car with the girls! They were both quick to let me know that I was always on the phone while driving!

Morgan even made me this sign to keep in the car to remind me while they are at school! So far we have fulfilled our obligations! The girls and Dad are anxious to get back to Sprite, Coke and being mad but Momma's car will forever be a No Phone Zone, at least for the driver (see sign)!

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